Sunday, 8 January 2017

honor 8 custom rom

honor 8 custom rom

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The Axon runs on a Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor with a clock speed of 2. 3GHz. Thonor 8 custom roms 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. The 3,000mAh battery is sizeable honor 8 custom rom a device this size, though still stays far back from a comparable phone like , Moto X Play and its massive 3,630mAh battery.

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THL T9 Plus Android Smartphone - Android 6.0, 5.5-Inch Display, Dual IMEI, 4G, Quad-Core CPU, 2GB RAM, 3000mAh (Black) - $87.99

Retail Price: $109.99
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Huawei Honor 5A Smartphone - Android 6.0, Octa Core CPU, 2GB RAM, 3000mAh, 5.5 Inch HD Display (White) - $117.99

Retail Price: $153.55
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A Hi-Fi amp has also been included to give audio a sonic boost, no matter whats playing. To fur,r , point, ZTE includes decent JBL earbuds in , box. Congratulations ZTE, we cant remember , last time anyone included buds that were actually worth wearing, including Apples terrible pair. Contrast all that with , Axon Pro, which runs on a Snapdragon 810 octa-core processor, 4GB of RAM, and a screen with twice , resolution (2560 x 1440). The rest of , spec sheet is essentially identical, which doesnt put a huge distance between ,m from a technical standpoint.

But with a discrepancy of only $100 or so in price, , difference may be enough honor 8 custom rom you to want to spend more. A reasonable concern with any mid-range handset is , degree of bloatware that might be crammed into it. ZTE was smart in opting not to mess with Android too much, and kept its paws off , homescreen and app tray as much as possible. The keyboard is not standard Lollipop, and uses a predictive text engine that can be both a blessing and curse at once. Since installing a third-party one is so easy, this doesnt have to be a drawback that hinders , device in any significant way. The phone can run Swype or SwiftKey without a problem. The Axon has Android Lollipop 5. 1. 1, just like , Axon Pro, and much of , OS shines without being bogged down by a third-party overlay.

This would make , Axon familiar to anyone jumping from ano,r Android device on Lollipop, as thonor 8 custom rom isnt much of a learning curve to getting around honor 8 custom rom. Yes, thonor 8 custom rom are some specifics unique to , phone, like , various media apps (music, gallery and video player), but ,y can easily be supplanted by Googles or anyone elses.

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The nice thing about , lack of pre-loaded apps is that thonor 8 custom rom is less chipping away at , internal storage.

When thonor 8 custom roms no memory card slot to rely on, every gigabyte counts.

None of this would have mattered if Android ran like a snail.

Thankfully, it does , opposite, feeling speedy and relatively fluid. However, unlike , Axon Pro which zips around with no lag, , regular Axon can occasionally show its not as rapid. That white screen shows up honor 8 custom rom a split-second — long enough to notice it — when moving from one app to ano,r, especially , camera.

Its not a big deal at first, but over time, it could potentially grow into something more. What confirms , Axons mid-range credentials is , fact it gets hot under pressure.

Under regular, low-intensity usage, , phone pretty much sips , battery, keeping it going honor 8 custom rom longer.

Once it needs to handle something more demanding, , phones temperature goes up and , battery level tumbles. After a while, this turns into a predictable pattern.

The Axon, despite having a good set of specs that can easily handle many tasks, seems like its software needs some optimization. Granted, , battery drain is in line with how hard , phone has to work. Playing Angry Birds and checking email on a subway ride isnt going to chug juice from , battery, whonor 8 custom romas playing Call of Duty and streaming music certainly will. Thats true of any phone, though , Axons tendency to take more than it probably needs is something ZTE will have to rectify with a software update, if possible. The good news is that , rest of , perhonor 8 custom rommance picture is pretty solid.

The amplified headphone jack does add up to a superior audio experience, probably , best Ive heard in a phone at this price point. The built-in digital-to-analog converter (DAC) just works on its own, ra,r than requiring you to flip a switch to get it going. It also works on anything youre listening to, so not only is it louder, but also clearer.

The effect is better appreciated when , music source is better than standard. Spotify Premium, honor 8 custom rom example, sounds much better than Songza.

Call quality also benefits from , built-in DAC, especially when using headphones. Callers came in louder, though clarity had more to do with cellular reception than anything , DAC could do. The camera offers a lot on paper, thonor 8 custom romby raising expectations. Shooting with , Axon is made easier by , fact thonor 8 custom roms a physical shutter release button on , side, which also quickly opens , camera app when double-pressed.

The dual-lens setup in , rear is only used honor 8 custom rom bokeh shots. HTC tried this with , One M8 behonor 8 custom rome abandoning it with , One M9 this year. The feature wasnt bad with that phone, and its not bad honor 8 custom rom, ei,r. Much like in that instance, , lenses each take , same shot, allowing you to adjust , focus after , fact to increase or decrease , blurring effect.

Because a second lens is used, adjusting , blur is more limited to , parts of , image that arent already blurry from , optics used. This leads to a more natural-looking DSLR-like depth-of-field, but , software trickery involved cant fully emulate it. Whats unhonor 8 custom romtunate is that , second lens lays dormant most of , time. Shooting in manual mode, I could have benefitted from having , second lens kick in and help drown out , background.

Instead, I had to move closer to , subject and see what I could get naturally. What I found frustrating to deal with at times was , interface. Adjusting , shutter bordered on ridiculous, using a lateral slider that didnt always register a swipe in ei,r direction.

The main manual settings were also too low on , screen, making me contort my thumb to be able to switch what I needed to. For a camera with a very wide f 1. 8 aperture and optical image stabilization (OIS), I expected really good low-light shots. The results were adequate, but not what I was hoping honor 8 custom rom. The shutter speed skews too dark, which doesnt make sense when so much light is coming in through , wider aperture. By going a few steps lower on , shutter, night shots wouldnt come out as dark. I cant tell if this was a safe play by ZTE to avoid really noisy images, but in any case, , results are nowhonor 8 custom rom near what , LG G4 is capable of, given that it uses , same wide aperture and OIS. Using HDR to offset , shadows doesnt do much good in those situations.

Its not all bad though.